Last week, I shared my first experience with making homemade ice cream / sorbet.
With a little help from a friend’s ice cream maker, I discovered that a simple blend of sugar, water, and fruit can yield the tastiest and most heavenly results. Sorbets top the list of my favorite summer snacks, and made with lovely ripe fruit, they might just top yours.
I’ve blogged about my obsession with mangoes for years now, but I think this may be the very best way to use the fruit: in a frozen sugar cocktail scooped up with a spoon. Mangoes are my favorite produce to pick up at local produce stands and I always have one lying around either for a salad or a snack. I find the unique sweet flavor of mangoes so indulgent with their tropical flare that I often get caught up in the sensation of stepping away from my comfort zone of apples and pears and into a warmer climate just waiting to relax. It’s a tropical fruit for sure, and perfect for a cooling sorbet in late August Baton Rouge weather.
Freshly made Mango Sorbet. Perfect for any hot summer day.
Don’t have enough mango in your life? See here for more recipes that use mangoes at Clearly Delicious.
Mango Sorbet
This recipe is an adaptation of the one I used from Food Network for my Peach Sorbet (here). Although I’ve changed the main ingredient and revised the proportions, please see the original recipe for other sorbet ideas.
*1 cup simple syrup (1 cup water + 1 cup sugar, instructions follow)
*1 very large mango
*1 lemon, juiced (can substitute 1/4 cup lemon juice)
1.) Make the simple syrup: combine 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and stir frequently until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and cool completely before making sorbet.
2.) Purée Mangoes: remove mangoes from their skin using this hedgehog technique. Place in food processor with cooled simple syrup and blend until smooth.
3.) Make sorbet: add puréed fruit and sugar water with the juice of one lemon to your machine. Attach paddle attachment and turn on based on manufacturer’s instructions for sorbet. For me, this was 45-minutes, but could take up to 60-minutes. For Cuisinart Ice Cream Makers, the process may take up to 2 hours. Whatever device you use, be sure to consult the “sorbet” settings.
Serve with fresh chunks of mango and enjoy!Makes 6 servings.
This recipe was re-published for my “Fresh Ideas” Column for Louisiana’s state newspaper, The Advocate, on Thursday, October 3rd, 2012. You can read the reprint here.
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