One of my favorite lines from the movie Juno is when Michael Cera’s character Paulie hears his mom yell, “Son! Dinner’s Ready! It’s your favorite! Breakfast for dinner!” In an angsty teenage mood, or dealing with baby mama drama, Paulie responds, “I’m not hungry MOM!” To which she emphasizes, “IT’S YOUR FAVORITE. IT’S BREAKFAST FOR DINNER!!”
There’s something about breakfast for dinner. Something about warm Buttermilk Pancakes with butter, maple syrup (the real kind), bacon, and eggs at 6 o’clock at night. Perhaps it’s that you’re cheating the system. Perhaps it’s the secret knowledge that underneath it all, you can eat the same dish for breakfast the next morning, especially if there are leftovers. Plus, is it me, or does breakfast just taste better at dinner time?
And yet, not every breakfast dish is perfect for “Breakfast for Dinner.” You can’t get crazy–fancy quiches, souffles, or other “rising” dishes. Instead, you need to keep it simple, something the entire family (or friends) will like and instantly associate as “breakfast,” not brunch. Where would we be if we ate “brunch for dinner?” Take these simple, reliable, easy and richly flavorful buttermilk pancakes. They’re an all-time favorite breakfast dish, and just scream hardy, decadence. Although few people seem to ever stock up on buttermilk, when you find it in the refrigerator, I heavily suggest making an excuse to make Breakfast for Dinner.
Buttermilk Pancakes
This recipe comes from the one, the only Better Homes & Gardens Cook Book (you know, the plaid dinner-table cover one that everyone has in their kitchen). This basic Buttermilk Pancakes recipe can be found in the “Breads” section.
* 1 cup all purpose flour
* 1 tablespoon sugar
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 1 beaten egg
* 1 cup buttermilk
* 2 tablespoons cooking oil
1.) Combine dry ingredients–flour, sugar, baking powder, soda, and salt. Beat egg separately and then, add to dry ingredients with buttermilk and oil. Mix to combine.
2.) Warm a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Grease with cooking spray, or butter. Spoon 1 large spoonful (I use a ladle) onto the hot pan and cook until edges (and center of batter) are bubbly (about 2 minutes depending on your heat). Flip and cook other side (about 1 minute). Flip one last time and cook each side for another 20 seconds.
3.) Plate pancake(s) and serve with butter and maple syrup.

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