Mango Chutney is one of those easy condiment dishes that everyone should know how to make. It keeps extraordinarily well (usually, a refrigerator life of a year or more) and saves you tons of money if you’re the type who actually has a use for chutney (Indian food anyone?). For example, one small, 1 cup jar of chutney at your local supermarket will probably cost you $5-7, whereas this chutney recipe yields 3 cups at $5-6. Talk about a deal.
Chutney is a great condiment for Indian cuisines. I most often find myself using it for couscous cakes, but can be used as a fantastic dipping sauce with na’an as an appetizer. Make this chutney with fresh mangos and you’ll have versatile condiment for your next Indian-based dinner.
Mango Chutney
Recipe comes from Elise Bauer over at Simply Recipes (the original can be found here).
* 2 cups sugar
* 1 cup distilled white vinegar
* 6 cups mangoes (about 4 to 5 ripe)
* 1 medium onion, chopped
* 1/2 cup golden raisins (can substitute regular)
* 1/4 cup crystallized ginger
* 1 garlic clove, minced or pressed
* 1 teaspoon mustard seeds, whole (can be omitted)
* 1/4 teaspoon red chili flakes (hot)
1.) Begin by preparing the mango: cut mango into small cubes (about 6 cups). For detailed instructions on how to cut the fruit from a mango, see here.
2.) Measure other ingredients: raisins, crystallized ginger, chili, onions, garlic, sugar, and mustard.
3.) Add vinegar and sugar to a pot on medium-high heat. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar has dissolved.
4.) Add ginger, mustard, chili pepper, mango, raisins, onions, and garlic. Cook for 45 minutes to an hour on medium-to-medium high heat until syrupy and thickened. Stir occassionally.
5.) Remove from heat and allow to cool. Pour into glass jar and refrigerate. Keeps for 1 year.

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