Milano Cookies: yes, those sinfully delicious flat cookies with chocolate filling popularized by Pepperidge Farm. Although often referred to as an “European Cookie,” Milano Cookies were actually created and made specifically by (and for) Pepperidge Farm. The 2 vanilla/lemon biscuits with chocolate is a taste and texture sensation! Light wafers with light, decadent chocolate are exactly the way a cookie should be.
I never thought I’d come across a Milano Cookies recipe. It’s one of those perfectly manufactured products that’s recipe is so top secret, that a cook can find 100 knock offs before finding the real deal. After recently joining the FoodBuzz community, I came across this featured publisher’s dish: Milano Cookies (Homemade). Boy, was I surprised at the ease and accuracy of this real-deal Milano Cookie. Many thanks to food blogger Christina Rose for bringing this recipe to the masses!
The below Milano Cookie recipe is just like the package and surprisingly easy. Follow the baking instructions closely (paying attention not to make wafers that are too big) and either make the homemade chocolate sauce by following Christina’s link, or use a dark chocolate spread or Nutella for the filling.
Milano Cookies
This recipe comes from Christa Rose, the baker behind Le Petit Broche: Ramblings of a Baking Addict and can be found here. Christina posted this recipe as one of two ways in which to make either chocolate chocolate Milano Cookies, or the regular vanilla and chocolate. I suggest trying the vanilla recipe first and making it with very small cookies–it’s easier, classier, and oh so clearly delicious.
* 1 1/2 cup flour
* 12 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
* 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
* 6 egg whites
* 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
* 2 tablespoons lemon extract
1.) Preheat oven to 350F. In a standing mixer, combine softened butter with powdered sugar. Using a mixing paddle, mix to combine.
2.) Add lemon and vanilla extracts, and powdered sugar. Lastly, add flour and mix until fully integrated. Scrape down sides of bowl and mix one last time.
3.) Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (if you have it), but if not , just spray down a standard cooking sheet with cooking spray. Using a 1/4 inch plain tip, pipe very small, 1 inch sections onto the baking sheet. Trust me, you’ll want these pipings to be small, otherwise you’ll have an oversized, bunrt cookie mess!
4.) Bake in oven for 6-7 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from oven and transfer to a clean cooling surface (i.e., paper towels, or some kind of cooling wrack). Makes 3 dozen.
5.) When cookies are cooled, spread the backs with a thing layer of dark chocolate World Market spread, or Nutella. Enjoy!

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