I realize that a picture of my dog playing with a toy may appear to have nothing to do with Thanksgiving, but for me, it encompasses this holiday quite nicely.
The concept of Thanksgiving is ever-so-simple: to be grateful. Grateful for our health, our families, our friends, and, of course, our food.
On an average day, my dog Eve shows thanks for little things like her toys and her health with a smile and wagging tail.
I may not have a tail to wag, but I still consider myself a very thankful person who is always aware of when good things happen to her and is always stopping and smiling at the unbelievable good fortune that is my life.
[I will spare readers the potential hokey-ness of my cheery disposition, and avoid any spiritual discussions, but, I must admit, I’m an extremely grateful person this Thanksgiving (and every day that’s led up to it).]
Today, it seems extraordinarily appropriate that on the biggest day of national “Thanks” I post about my first cookbook.
The project has been in the works for a long time now, but it wasn’t until less than two months ago that the idea of officially putting my food writing into a comprehensive volume became a reality.
Although the process of working on my manuscript is practically a literary zygote, I know that the project is tentatively titled, The Fresh Table: Cooking in Louisiana All the Year Round, will be in color, feature around 80-90 of my recipes, be seasonally structured, and advance contracted for 2013 by LSU Press.
First, a word of Thanks to Alisa Plant, one of the fabulous Acquisitions Editors at LSU Press, who approached me about my work and recognized instantly that I was a seasonal cook. She has been the most helpful and inspiring partners in the earliest of stages of my m.s. I couldn’t be more grateful.
I am over the moon to be associated with LSU Press for my first book project. LSU Press is one of the oldest scholarly presses in the south and an integral part of preserving and promoting Louisiana culture. In its 75 years, the press has earned 4 Pulitzer Prizes no doubt because it is a “mission-driven” publishing house centered on the promotion of quality creative work. You can read more about the press here.
For all of these reasons, I have much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, and I will continue to update readers on the status and content of my book. I haven’t always had the easiest of lives (and I realize this by no means makes me special), so I have endless lists of thanks to give. Who knew this little girl from Maine would have so much to be thankful for?
Here are some of the many, many great things I am grateful for this season:
1- the delicious coffee in my self-brewing coffee pot
2- the fun gadgets in my small kitchen (especially my new pasta machine!)
3-a great job that I love and look forward to
4-the rewards of teaching
5-the calming peaceful whelm of a long run
6-the silly look on my dog’s face when she’s confused by an odd sound (and the way she greets me at the door!)
7-my Mom, for encouraging, teaching, and allowing me to cook in our little Maine kitchen. She may be gone, but she is never forgotten.
8-all of the hungry stomachs I’ve had a chance to cook with and feed
9-Stephanie Riegel, the Food Editor at The Advocate, a great friend and even better food enthusiast
10-Linda Jones and Lise Duda–two great friends (really, family) who have been so important in my life
11-Captain Planet (you know who you are)
12-the fabulous assortment of boots in my closet
13-the improvements to my running speed and endurance
14-the small moments of “eureka!” when I think I may actually have a doable dissertation topic
15-Barbara, especially for inviting me to her house for Thanksgiving
16-my new iPhone
17-the fact that my car still works (and yes, I’ve had it for at least 8 years and it certainly wasn’t “new” when I got it)
18-my health–mental, physical, and other
19-Eve’s health even with a little thing called, “Addison’s Disease”
20-the endless list of family and friends that I’m forgetting
21-all of the faculty serving on my general exams committee
22-the cajun man who fried fish for me and Captain Planet last weekend after getting stuck in the muddy marshes of Cocodrie
23-my beautiful home
24-the way Louisiana weather never gets *that* cold
*24B: Will Fawcett, my fabulous webmaster who always makes Clearly Delicious pretty and functional and fantastic
25-the way there’s always Thanksgiving to remind us to give thanks. Thanks, Thanksgiving.
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Giving Thanks and My First Cookbook, The Fresh Table: Cooking Louisiana All the Year Round,
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