Running App Review for Nike + App
Episode #145 of Fat 2 Fit Radio (3.18.13)
1 – Interactive GPS Map —shows your run with speed, levels of ascent and descent, and the terrain from a Google Maps-like view
2 – Determine Terrain Feature (road, beach, trail, track) — something that’s not always an option in other apps (and does make a difference)
3 – Similarly, different “kinds” of runs: Basic Run, Distance Run, Time Run, and Speed Run (fastest 1k, 5k, 1 mile options)
Encouraging “Fastest 5-K to date!” announcements when you finish logging the workout
4 – Calories burned, time, average mile / pace on final screen (BUT, not nearly as detailed as Endomondo which gives you 4 screens to switch between when looking at this final output data)
5 – Add friends to your “leaderboard” so you can check to see how your weekly (or monthly) runs are comparing with theirs
6 – COUNTDOWN FEATURE! I love this! It’s auto-set to 3-seconds, but I bump it up to 9-seconds to give me time to start the app and put my armband back on
7 – All sorts of settings for “auto voice feedback”: male, female, time, distance, pace, and frequency (I really like the .5-mile mark for some reason)
8 – Not nearly as many ads as Endomondo (no ads, in fact by comparison)
1 – My pace is a little messed up on the last one – although it’s logged as “running,” I forgot to turn off the timer when I went for a walk between miles 1.5 and 2.0 during my April 2nd run (before I picked back up and started running again). Thus, my mileage is inaccurate because it assumes I was running the entire time when I walked for at least 10 minutes.
2 – You can’t switch between walk and run, and a Facebook friend commented the other day she couldn’t figure out how to turn on the “treadmill” feature. It took me a while too as it’s sort of hidden under the start features (indoors / outdoors)
3 – I’m not so sure the Nike+ App works for the treadmill feature? I did a run on April 5th for a little over 25-minutes…BUT, the tracker said I only ran 1.60 miles when I actually ran 2.15 (I counted the laps). So, the data is a bit inaccurate both in distance and in burn. Fortunately, there’s a way to go in and adjust your distance (gage in upper-right corner), but I don’t like having to double-check the app. Shouldn’t it just do what it says it will do? And as far as I could tell, it was really accurate until about 1.25 – 1.50 miles, then it stopped tracking correctly.
Pictured (left to right): Individual Run Screen with mood, run type, and the option to share your run or tag your shoes. Right: home screen with overview of key details. Notice the three run types – treadmill, trail, and road.
4 – Thus, I have to switch to another fitness app if I want to track my walk as well as my run. So, Nike+ is only good for one thing—RUNNING. But it does the running really well.
Here’s the cons of the lack of “walk” feature here—the website is funny it just says to “pause run” and watch yourself on the map while you walk (no lie):
Next show: MapMyRun
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Nike+ Review (Ep. #146 Fat 2 Fit Radio),

May 15, 2013 at 2:19 amHey Helana. 1st time posting since your addition to the show. While I thought Jeff and Russ were a good team I’m definitely liking the new dynamic you bring. That and you’re a runner which is why I’m here: was looking for the link to add you on Endomondo. Looking to get back into running and the more the merrier, right? If you search my email on Endo you should find me, or send me a link. I’m a member of the 10-11 min/mi club
Helana Brigman
May 17, 2013 at 10:47 pmHi Arthur – thanks so much for the comment! I love hearing from F2F listeners, and I’m very pleased to know these show notes go to good use!
I just added you on Endomondo, so please look for my friend request! Oh, and don’t get too paranoid that I haven’t logged any workouts recently: I’ve been trying to figure out exactly how to review MapMyRun (the app I’m using at the moment)…but don’t know what I think about it. It lacks the reliability and consistency of Endomondo, but has some fantastic features that are pretty smart (like having all of your nutrition and workouts in one place!). Have you used MapMyRun? Do you have any thoughts?? I’m thinking Nike+ and Endomondo may be my go to once I finish a few more reviews!
Great to meet you Arthur! I look forward to seeing your runs!
Fat 2 Fit Radio » Blog Archive » Fat 2 Fit #146 – Menopause and Weight Loss
October 2, 2013 at 7:44 pm[…] provides her Pro / Con list for the Nike+ App (see here for the full transcript), and, on the web report, we hear how Louisiana ranks alongside other […]