Lord of the Rings Online/ LOTRO/ Main Course/ Pork

Roast Pork: The Lord of the Rings Online

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This easy, marinated roast pork recipe is inspired by the Apprentice Recipe, Roast Pork, from The Lord of the Rings Online. Prepare ingredients ahead of time and cook in less than ten minutes for a richly-flavored meal.

Pictured: the recipe crafting panel for “Roast Pork” Apprentice recipe in The Lord of the Rings Online.

Roast Pork

main course, pork rustic
By Helana E. Brigman Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes

This easy Roast Pork recipe can be made ahead of time and put under the broiler for about 8 minutes.


  • 1 (2-pound) pork tenderloin, cut into 1-in. thick pieces
  • 1 yellow onion, sliced
  • ½ cup red wine
  • 1 tsp. Allspice
  • 2 Tbl. butter
  • Salt and pepper, to taste



Marinate pork in onion, red wine, and allspice for at least one hour (up to twenty-four). I put my ingredients in a Ziplock bag and refrigerate until ready to use.


Preheat broiler to high and melt butter in a large cast iron skillet on top of the stove. Strain pork and onions and layer them evenly in hot, buttery skillet.


Place skillet under broiler for 3-4 minutes. Remove skillet from oven, flip onions and pork, and return to oven for 3 more minutes.


Remove skillet from the oven and check the temperature of the pork (145F will mean the pork is done).


Serve immediately with cooked carrots and fried mushrooms.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    January 23, 2023 at 12:40 am

    Allspice for the critical success! I’m going to try this pork soon. It looks delicious in that photo.

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